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    Offer job listings on your site with Jobbin! Your users can add jobs or browse jobs apply via the suggested method. The administrator can approve/deny any job and controls publishing status. The plugin offers manual payment for several types of jobs: full time, part time, freelance and internship.

    Adding Jobs

    Jobs can be added both by administrator via the back-end form and by users via the front-end form. Filling in all text fields and text areas will make sure your jobs get maximum visibility.

    Keep your title simple and keywords rich.

    From the Jobs Listings panel you can modify or delete your existing jobs or job offers.

    Approving Jobs

    Whenever a job is pending, a new menu option will appear in your Jobbin section, Pending Jobs (x), where (x) is the number of new jobs.

    You can view or edit the job before approving it, or simply delete it if it does not fit your site’s theme or is simply spammy.

    Adding Jobs Categories

    You can add an unlimited number of categories and set their desired order. We recommend no more than 20 categories for a decent site.

    Settings and Options

    Customize your plugin’s behaviour the way you want it! Email messages, PayPal email, job duration, job prices, terms and conditions.

    PayPal Payment

    Enabling live job posting allows the administrator to charge via an email message with payment instructions. The jobs will expire after a set period of time, according to administrator’s settings.


    There are 4 types of jobs, each with a distinct colour tag for easy recognition.

    Discuss it here, report a bug or request a new feature!