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Over the course of years, I have written a series of tutorials, ranging from JavaScripts tricks to AdSense money-making tutorials. Here is a quick table of contents of all tutorials I’ve written. JavaScript JavaScript TV Prompter Pragmatic Progressive Enhancement Programming JavaScript Switch Menu JavaScript Character Counter For Text Areas “How Old Is Ithe Internet” Widget [...]

The Internet appeared in 1983. More detailed discussions on this subject are outside the scope of this article. We will learn how to create a JavaScript widget showing how old is the internet. First of all, we need to write a prototype function of a date. As the JavaScript code is wrapping a bit weird [...]

Instructions Use * to indicate multiplication: Type 4*x for 4x; Use ^ to indicate powers: Type 4*x^3 for 4×3; 12*x^-6 for 12x−6. Use parentheses to delimit the argument of a function; i.e., type sin(x) rather than sin x. Use parentheses to define the scope of an operation: For example, type 4*x*(x^2+1)^3 for 4x(x2+1)3; 4^(2*x+1) for [...]

Today’s tutorial is about creating a terminal screen together with lime terminal characters in JavaScript: Let’s start with the CSS: <style type=”text/css”> textarea { background-color: #000000; color: #14FC03; border: 1px solid #111; } </style> OK, the JavaScript is next: <script type=”text/javascript”> <!– var tl=new Array( “Initializing script”, “Activating engine”, “Running queries…”, “Throwing errors…”, “Catching errors”, [...]

Talking about JavaScript 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 before we get to 2.0 Pythonizing JavaScript Planning JavaScript 1.9 Recommendations for the 4th edition of ECMA Enumaration and Object-Oriented JavaScript JavaScript Mozilla Developer’s Center New in JavaScript 1.6 New in JavaScript 1.7 New in JavaScript 1.8

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