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There are quite a handful of different post thumbnail solutions out there, but it seems that I found a very simple and compatible one that uses the famous timthumb library. Add this code to your functions page, functions.php: function post_image() { global $post, $posts; $thumb = ”; $output = preg_match_all(‘/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i’, $post->post_content, $matches); $thumb = $matches [...]

It took me a while to try and rephrase the title, but to no avail. Using the image.php script from my last article, I will read database entries and replace all tags with clickable thumbnails. All you need to do is have a database entry with an tag. Read the database (I’m sure you know [...]

I’m helping a friend build a CMS for a site and I needed some automatic image resizing. The only possibility was GD so I decided to use it. There are many tutorials out there teaching you how to do it, but I wrote my own function from several GD functions available and some help. [...]

What makes your day? A great web site solution discovered while boringly surfing the web. This week’s links are: thumbizy [] This web site offers an instant thumbnail generator for web pages with improved cache features. Currently in Beta state, it is a very promising solution. I might use it (after some thorough tests) for [...]

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