Recently published WordPress themes and plugins

Smart Backup Plugin
Smart Backup is a complete WordPress solution for database backup and restore...

Ambient Occlusion Theme
Ambient Occlusion is a clean and warm theme, with a brown/cocoa colour...

WordPress Theme: Cyanide
This theme has originally been created for an offshore client. The theme...

WordPress Theme: Clear Apple
Clear Apple is a clean magazine theme, no thumbnails for posts, wide...

On the blog
Currently Exploring
dateI’ve always sucked at date/time calculations using PHP or MySQL. This changed a while ago when I broke the ice with a Facebook-style function for calculating time diferrence in a friendly way. Today, I had to calculate past dates using 2 separate date and time columns. MySQL uses NOW() to output a date format such as "2011-03-10 14:30:00". My date...
One of the latest features I’ve added to my sports fishing portal was the nice date feature. Instead of showing PHP formatted date and time, I wanted to display time since the action took place, like “4 hours ago”, “2 days ago”, “1 minute ago” and so on. <?php function nicetime($date) { if(empty($date)) { return "ERROR: No date provided"; }...
Tonight I will make a silent and personal petition to WordPress to remove all permalinks options except the extended date one [/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/]. I use Google everyday, tens of times, to find stuff I need or I don’t need. Sometimes I look for news or updated information on some particular subject. What if I find an article on some blog with...