Recently published WordPress themes and plugins

Smart Backup Plugin

Smart Backup is a complete WordPress solution for database backup and restore...


Ambient Occlusion Theme

Ambient Occlusion is a clean and warm theme, with a brown/cocoa colour...


WordPress Theme: Shiny

Shiny 2.0 is a fresh WordPress theme hot off the press! Some...


WordPress Theme: Cyanide

This theme has originally been created for an offshore client. The theme...


Inception Theme

On the foundation of Whiskey Air Theme, I have built a new...


Whiskey Air Theme

I now give you Whiskey Air, a simple, imageless theme, compatible with...


WordPress Theme: Clear Apple

Clear Apple is a clean magazine theme, no thumbnails for posts, wide...


WordPress Theme: Blizzard

A new theme based on some old CSS template of mine and...


WordPress Theme – X5 Turbo

X5 is the successor of X4.1 and has some small improvements over...


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Currently Exploring


I have finally installed a syntax highlighter plugin. The theme lacked one, and now it looks more professional. Check out the latest tutorials to see what I’m talking about. PHP/MySQL Counter Tutorial PHP/MySQL Contact Form Tutorial MD5 Encoded Password

I’ve recently messed up a script installation and the admin user and password did not import successfully into the database. I have inserted the admin user manually, but I had no idea what the password looked like using md5 encoding. So I wrote a simple script creating an encoded password, and I imported the resulting value into the database. Pretty...

The last tutorial was about a PHP/MySQL counter for a client. The same client requested a simple contact form, with no AJAX, or other options. So, I used the PHP mail() function, wrapped in a simple XHTML form. First, we create the XHTML form (contact.php): <h1>Simple Contact Form</h1> <form name="form1" method="post" action="/tag/source/send_contact.html"> <p><input name="subject" type="text" id="subject" size="50" /> <label for="subject">Subject</label></p>...

One of my clients required a simple text counter to show pageloads. Not very realistic, but the web site was not in danger of refreshing just to increase pageloads. So here it is. It uses PHP and MySQL. First of all, create a new table in your database (suppose the web site already has a database): CREATE TABLE `counter` (...

How do you find your information? How do you write your articles? You visit your favourite blogs, forums and newsgroups, find an idea, maybe copy some text from here and there, and here is your fresh article. But how many times have you copied more than one paragraph? I’m sure that all of you did this once or twice. Have...